
My Life Head On


| November 7, 2010

Its been an interesting few days.  Some really great things have happened.   While I woke up yesterday and developed a rather nasty migraine, my dog actually let me know it was coming and I was able to prepare for it ahead of time.  I took it easy and got plenty of rest staying in […]

Am I Spinning?

| November 4, 2010

I don’t even know what to say about today.  My head is still spinning.  So many things happened today and I don’t know if I feel good or bad or hurt or happy or excited.  I guess confused would be the word, but I don’t really know what exactly it is that I am confused […]

Lazy Day

| November 3, 2010

I woke up today when my phone rang for someone else.  I am rather use to it so it doesn’t usually bother me other than once awake I realized I had a sharp pain in my stomach.  All I wanted was to fall back asleep and have it go away.  As I lay in bed […]

A Fun Filled Day

| November 3, 2010

I had a really great day. I was rather lazy about getting out of bed, but once I did the day was filled with activity.  Mal came and we went to go get Joey’s birthday cake from Coldstone.  It turned out great.  We brought it back and had a major strike out on finding an […]

Too Much

| November 1, 2010

Today was one of those days where while I seemed to be busy doing something all day and had people with me that I was conversing with….I still felt like I was in my own world.  I’m not really sure how that is.  It was a very productive day getting to the orthodontist and getting […]


| October 29, 2010

Sometimes I wonder if people actually understand a word we say. Sure they may try, but do they actually ever really hear and comprehend what we are saying. I’m not talking about the everyday tasks or small talk. Rather your inner most thoughts. The things that truly intrigue you. The things that you might even […]

Settling In

| October 26, 2010

I know it has been awhile since my last post. It isn’t really that I haven’t had anything to write, I have actually had a lot to post. It is more of the fact that I am still trying to settle into life. I absolutely love my new job. I really think that moving the […]