
My Life Head On

Lazy Day

I woke up today when my phone rang for someone else.  I am rather use to it so it doesn’t usually bother me other than once awake I realized I had a sharp pain in my stomach.  All I wanted was to fall back asleep and have it go away.  As I lay in bed just finally drifting back to sleep I got a message from my sister wanting to update me on things and ask me a few questions. I sighed and gave up on the whole actually sleeping thing and sent a message off to my …..hmmm….. smile source. After a few minutes chatting I was in a much better mood and feeling a little bit better as well.  I stayed in bed but took the time to chat with some of my friends and fully wake up in good spirits.  I did eventually move upstairs for a nice easy laid back day.  I snuggled up on the couch with Mr. Renegade, a blanket, a book, my laptop, my phone, and watched some TV.  I did go and run some errands, do some choirs and walk my boy, but I really enjoyed the easy day.  It was nice to just do nothing and not care.  I was a bit nervous because I knew I was going to have a lot of time to think today.  Lately that too much time to think has driven me crazy and I start to get overwhelmed and depressed.  Today however I had a really good out look on things.  Things took a really positive view and I am starting to feel more and more confident about things each and everyday.  There is someone out there that has helped me to really see things in a brighter light and helps to keep me in a good mood.  I have to say thank you.  It means a lot to me.  I am seeing a big change in how I feel about life right now and the directions things are heading for me.  Thank you for the support.  I also have to say thank you to Mal for always being there for me and letting me rant and cry and go insane.  You always know what I need and how to put me back together.  I don’t know what I would do without you.  I love you girl.  Hope school went well for you.  You were on my heart and mind all day.

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