
My Life Head On

Baby Steps

| January 15, 2011

I don’t trust people.  People in general that is.  I have a very hard time warming up to people and really letting them in.  It takes me a long time to truly and honestly trust someone.  I have felt like this for a long time.  I know that I am like this and I often try to […]


| January 12, 2011

I am having a really hard time right now moving past some things in my life.  I really like the path that I am on right now and where it seems to be taking me, even if I am not entirely sure of where that might be.  I really like the people in my life, both new […]

The End of the Day

| January 7, 2011

I’m snuggled up in bed listening to music and trying to wined down from my day.  I have had a fairly good day other than the fact that my allergies dealt me a rather rash blow today.  I woke up with the entire left side of my face red and swollen in minors hives.  I took […]

Pie with Mal

| January 6, 2011

Today Mallory came to pick me up from work so we could go have pie.  When she got there I had all ready gotten the store ready to close, but there was still a customer there with her daughter.  We didn’t really mind though because we were having fun talking to them.  We spent a […]

Unorganized Day

| January 5, 2011

I woke up today and just couldn’t seem to get much of anything together.  I got ready for the day out of order and it really got me pretty flustered.  I am noticing more and more lately how much I like to have certain parts of my life structured.  I’m not one of those people […]

Complicated can still be Good

| January 4, 2011

Today was one of those days that I was very afraid was going to turn into a horrible day.  For all intensive purposes it very well could have been a very bad day.  I woke up not feeling well and had a very hard time getting out of bed.  I eventually made it to work […]

Remembering Me

| January 3, 2011

I have found that I have really enjoyed remembering the person I am.  I know it sounds a little funny to remember something that is current, but I have hidden myself for so long that each and everyday I find myself rediscovering the person I am.  I have been doing a lot of reconnecting with old friends […]

Rocky Road

| December 28, 2010

I had a very enjoyable Christmas. I found myself able to relax and have a good time with my friends and family.  The store was very busy leading up to the holiday, which was very good.  I was still able to go out and enjoy myself though which was very much needed.  Thank you to […]

Just One of Those Days

| December 23, 2010

Today was just so full of ignorant people it was unbelievable.  Sometimes I wonder how people are able to survive on their own.  I felt like I would have been better off just banging my head against the wall. Thank you to those of you who took the time to make my day a little […]

Sorry Doesn’t Cut It

| December 17, 2010

You still aren’t speaking to me. I don’t know why and I am to the point that I don’t even know if I want you to anymore.  I miss you. I feel so lied too though.  I feel like so much of everything was a lie between us.  At the same time I just want […]