
My Life Head On

New Job

I have been focusing a lot on settling into my new job. It has been a very interesting transition thus far. Mostly for the better. There have been a few rocky points, mostly just dealing with non work related drama that has arisen with my new position. It really has nothing to do with my actual job at the veterinary hospital though. I really like working at the hospital so far. It is a very busy place, with a lot going on. It is a rather large practice with a large staff and vast client base. I have been learning the ropes and getting comfortable with my responsibilities. Things seem to be going pretty smoothly. It has really helped me a lot that I know so many of the staff from the past, it has helped me to know who to go to to get any questions answered quickly and accurately. I really feel that I am learning fast the way that they run things.
The biggest downside I have encountered with this new job has been Renegade. It has been several years since I have not been able to take him to work with me nearly everyday. He has become so use to rarely being left alone. I have been trying to spend time with him and play some games to exercise his brain as well as get him out stretching his legs. I don’t like the drastic decrease in stimulus he is getting. I will have to continue to find more activities to keep him active and sharp.

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