
My Life Head On

“I’M NOT SORRY!!!!!!”

This is short but sweet.  A small tribute to my Friday night crew. “I’M NOT SORRY!!!”

It is the Friday night before Christmas, in comes my last dogs of the day.  It’s a lady with two Bichons.  It is overly crazy so Mandy who is new tries to check them in.  The lady confuses her, she comes to get me and I talk to her.  “I want them short all over but I want their feet left fluffy,” she says.  I use one hand to circle my other hand and verify,  just the feet?  Not the legs too? She keeps telling me just the feet.  That is what she had told Mandy too, so that’s what I do.

She comes back just before 10 to pick up the dogs.  I have the last one on the table and the other one waiting in a cage all done.  The owner is outside the window glaring at me and talking angrily to the cashier.  Mandy goes out to see what is wrong.  Mandy brings her inside. The lady circles her hand with her other hand and says, “by feet I meant legs,” continuing the hand motion up her whole arm. Mandy and I look at each other.  I apologize and ask her if she would like me to match their feet to their leg length and regroom their bodies down in a week when they grow out some.   I take down the feet while Mandy hides in the back cleaning and sends Megan up to deal with the customer. It is now well after closing and we are worn out and tired. The dogs have gone home and I am finishing cleaning the front when Mandy comes bursting through the door from the back yelling, “I know I said I was sorry, but I am SO not sorry!” We all die laughing. From then on, that was our motto for Fridays.

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